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COVID-19 Update

Note to Membership 

June 20, 2020

Dear Members,


The countdown is on! We are excited for opening day this Monday, June 22nd! We received our license from the Vineland Department of Health yesterday. Yay:)


Please review the COVID-19 Mitigation Plan and the updated Dolphin Pool Manual for this season on guidance for your safety and the safety of all members when using the pool and our facilities. There was additional guidance from the local health authority last week, after my communication, that the diving boards and slide can not be used as we open. To receive our license, we were required to comply with this regulation. We are still reviewing and will continue to address as we believe we can ensure social distancing while still allowing membership to enjoy the equipment. I will keep you posted if there is any change to this guidance, but our COVID plan has been updated to reflect that these features will not be in use until further notice. The diving well will be open for swimming.


Thank you again to Bernice and Todd Hampton from Beyond Painting. They will be providing their disinfecting services on Sunday to ensure our pool grounds and facility are safe for you and your family on opening day! Our lifeguards will also be taking a 15-minute break vs. 10-minute break this season to ensure ample time to wipe down and properly clean high-touch areas for your safety.


Upon entry to the swim club please take note of signage, hand sanitation stations, marked out social distancing and take caution to distance from other members when entering and exiting the facility. The snack bar will be utilizing cashless pay for your safety and convenience.


Our website ( has been updated with PayPal if you would like to pay your dues online. Please note there is a convenience fee to pay via PayPal but it allows for credit card processing vs. our normal cash or check payments only. We will be accepting dues at the front desk for all operating hours starting this Monday. Members must have your dues paid in full to participate in swim team or use the pool this Monday. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Treasurer Leanne Merighi at or Kelly Frangakis at prior to Monday morning. 


We will be hosting our annual general membership meeting Saturday June 27, 2020 at noon under the pavilion. All members are welcome!


We will be working to add features to the newly opened field this coming week. We have exciting things to show you and should have all features added by June 27, 2020. In addition, as a token of our appreciation we have a small gift for each family to say, “Thank You”! You can pick up your gift at the front desk anytime. We are so grateful to enjoy this summer with our Dolphin families and would like to thank each of you for your patience, flexibility, and support as we navigate through COVID.


A board member will be at the front desk or onsite for all operating hours the first 2 weeks we are open. Please do not hesitate to bring any concerns, ideas, or suggestions to us during your visits.


Have a great weekend and we cannot wait to see everyone this coming week!



Kelly Frangakis and the Dolphin Board of Directors

Note to Membership 

May 15, 2020


Dear Dolphin Members,

On behalf of the Dolphin Board, thank you for the overwhelming response to the survey we sent out last week. The feedback provided was invaluable and the responses were significantly in favor of opening the pool even if a delayed opening.


We met as a board this past Monday and will continue meeting weekly to prepare for opening the pool this summer. We have been reviewing and preparing safety mitigation plans to the best of our ability as final guidance will come from the Vineland Department of Health and the Governor of New Jersey. We are hopeful based on the recent guidelines for beaches opening that we will have guidance soon for pools.

John Casadia, our pool manager, has been prepping the pool for opening as we plan to request certification from the Department of Health this coming week.


We would like to thank Sam Casaboon, Bubba Byer, Danny Merighi, Marc Bennett, Giavanna Lupi, Jenna Carastro, Dominick Sheppard and Johnny Gallo for assisting Coach in prepping and cleaning the pool and pool grounds yesterday. This group has always been a great help to the pool and volunteered their time yesterday to assist Dolphin.


I will continue to provide weekly updates on the status of the pool opening as we receive guidance from state and local officials.

Kelly Frangakis & The Dolphin Board of Directors

Note to Swim Team  

May 16, 2020

Dear Dolphin Swim Team Families,

Given the current and ever-changing situation of COVID-19, I wanted to update you on the current status of the swim team for the Summer 2020 season.


I hope that everyone is well and safe as we all navigate through this time of "unknowns" and "uncertainties".


I wanted to reach out to you with an update regarding swim team for the summer. Should the Dolphin Swim and Athletic Club open for the summer season, the Dolphin Swim Team WILL TRAIN.


What the season will look like will be dependent on the criteria set forth by state and local municipal officials, as well as the Suburban Swim League (SSA) as it relates to head to head meets versus inter-squad types of meets etc.


I will strive to keep you up to date and relay the swim team plans to you as soon as possible, keeping in mind that updates are occurring on a daily basis and plans are based on these updates.


I hope to see all of you soon and know that I am doing my best to ensure that the team can get in the water quickly and safely.


If you have any questions, please contact me via email at


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Copyright 2023 The Dolphin Swim and Athletic Club

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